Fates and Curses UPDATE

Only six months past due, Fates and Curses is finally in the last stages of editing. The struggle was real. It’s been a difficult past few months trying to get through numerous rewrites, but the pain was definitely worth it. I can’t wait to share the conclusion of this story which I began writing as a ninth grader in 2002. Yes, SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO! 2018 was a tough year, but I’m fired up for 2019, and can’t wait to get Fates and Curses out into the world so I can focus on my next work, Ouroboros, my second book of poetry, Dineros on the Dance Floor, and my first work of non-fiction, Theatre of War.

Here’s the bad news though: Because I’ve been so focused the past few months on Fates and Curses, I didn’t even let myself look at Ouroboros -so I didn’t notice that the file had completely disappeared from my work computer! FUCK!!! I have a backup that is about 60% of what I’d written, about 30-40% of the book itself, so at least there’s that. I have no one to blame but myself, and I’m hoping that when I go through all my jump drives I’ll find the complete draft. If not, well, version two will be even better because I know that the 80% I’ve completed needed extensive rewrites anyway. I’d actually completed the entire manuscript for The Warning in 2005, only to have my laptop stolen during Hurricane Katrina, thus losing the entire draft at one point and having to start over from scratch -easily one of the most demoralizing things to ever happen to me as a writer that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Good times!
Update: I found a full back-up of the manuscript on my home PC. WEW LADS.
I’ll hopefully be able to share the cover of Fates and Curses within the next week, so stay tuned!

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